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Quantum Healing Past Life Regression Experience

Have you ever been curious about past life regression? Have you been dealing with health issues, blocks on your journey, anxiety, or other life challenges? Do you have questions about how it all works? If so this workshop is for you! During this Past Life Regression experience you will participate in an in depth Q&A, travel through visualization techniques to open your subconscious mind, experience group Past Life Regression, and contact your Spirit Guides and Angels! Join Shannon a Quantum Healing Hypnoisis Technique Practioner as she guides you through time in this unique workshop experience!
$75.00 investment ( private session investments $444.00) SIGNIFICANT SAVINGS!
AM & PM Sessions available
6/30 11am-1pm or 6pm-8pm Payment due upon registration Venmo, or CC

June 21

Summer Solstice Gathering on International Yoga Day!