Quantum Healing Past Life Regression Experience

Quantum Healing Past Life Regression Experience

Have you ever been curious about past life regression? Have you been dealing with health issues, blocks on your journey, anxiety, or other life challenges? Do you have questions about how it all works? If so this workshop is for you! During this Past Life Regression experience you will participate in an in depth Q&A, travel through visualization techniques to open your subconscious mind, experience group Past Life Regression, and contact your Spirit Guides and Angels! Join Shannon a Quantum Healing Hypnoisis Technique Practioner as she guides you through time in this unique workshop experience!
$75.00 investment ( private session investments $444.00) SIGNIFICANT SAVINGS!
AM & PM Sessions available
6/30 11am-1pm or 6pm-8pm Payment due upon registration Venmo, or CC

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Summer Solstice Gathering on International Yoga Day!

Summer Solstice Gathering on International Yoga Day!

Join Shannon and Christine as they host “The Nests'“ first Annual Summer Solstice Gathering! We are excited to usher in the warmth of the summer, longer days, and the awareness of life in all of it’s vibrancy during this gathering of love and intention!

As we commune in our beautiful courtyard outside, under the setting sun we begin by setting seasonal intentions and reflecting on what we would like to let go of. Then moving into a flowing all level vinyasa practice to set our intentions to movement! Closing out the practice Shannon will lead a Yoga Nidra and fire gathering to send our intentions outward.

We intend for this workshop to not only bring joy and happiness to your heart but to also facilitate the movement of growing our lovely community!

$50 Investment visit our contact page to register

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Sacred Breathwork and Meditation Experience

Sacred Breathwork and Meditation Experience

In this sacred active breathing meditation, the breath is the tool allowing your consciousness (ego) to literally move out of the way.

Experience personal awakening, transformation, emotional release and peace by connecting with your higher self and quieting the thinking mind.

This allows deep seated trauma, energy, emotional wounds and limited beliefs to release in a powerful way. In addition to the breathing technique this process also incorporates shamanic tools, music, sound and energy healing.
Healing this way in a group/community setting amplifies the energy and potential healing of each individual.
Expect to feel held in a safe and loving space where you will take a journey of profound healing and releasing that which no longer serves you. The experience can be gentle or intense, as each person dictates their own session because our individual needs change from day to day.

This breathwork practice will be done lying down on a mat, and/or blanket. There will be a period of active breathing followed by a deep, relaxing rest period.

Wear comfortable clothing, eat lightly and not immediately prior to the class.
A modality that must be experienced to appreciate.

$40.00 Investment please visit our contact page to enroll.

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Bends and Brews

Bends and Brews

Join us for a 60 min yoga flow class followed by a pint at Tindall Road Brewery. Text Christine to RSVP 609-760-8041

Investment $35.00 Limited occupancy

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Restorative Workshop

Restorative Workshop

Take a little “ME” for all the time you spend giving to others! Join Shannon for this 2 hour Restorative Bliss Workshop. Indulge in relaxing postures, nurtured with massage, Reiki, Aromatherapy and sound healing. You deserve some time to check out, so you can check back into yourself!

$50.00 Investment due when registering. Limited space available Semi-private for only 4 students.

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The Art of Allowing

The Art of Allowing

The Art of Allowing, easier said then done! It’s no coincidence this state of being is called an “ART” to let the positive energy of all your dreams and desires become the center of your world is no easy task! You leave the when, what, where, and how to the Universe and focus solely on cultivating positive thoughts and positive emotions that support your entire well-being. Yet even with your desires and good intentions motivating you, you have a lifetime of habits and thought processes that overwhelm your mind and dictate your feelings and emotions by the minute. In this two hour workshop, discover how simple it is to rewire old thoughts, patterns, and beliefs. Learn about the “three minds”and how each perceives reality. Gain insight on how simple daily practices can lead you to the life you desire, full of contentment and happiness.

$50.00 investment

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 Relax and Open Series

Relax and Open Series

I have heard your requests for more options to experience this beautiful restorative practice. I have added a second series to our Nest. Space is limited, book now to reserve your spot!

$135.00 investment for 6 week series.

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